
The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life. It is the sublime cause of the communion with the divine life, and it brings about unity between the people of God. On the night before he died, Jesus instituted the sacrament of his body and blood so that the new life he won for the world through his death and resurrection could be received throughout the ages even until the end of time. Through the holy sacrifice of the mass, Christ reaches His people in a most powerful and mysterious way in that when we consume His precious body and blood, we are taken up into His life so that it is no longer we who live, but it is now Christ who lives in us. For this reason, the Eucharist is known as the Sacrament of Charity, because once we receive this gift, we become a channel through which Christ’s life and love reach his people. 

First Holy Communion
To receive First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation, a child should be registered at our parish. Parents are expected to participate in the preparation of their children.