Parish Ministries & Groups

Event Planning Ministry

A new special events committee is being formed. Committee members will help plan events like the Salad Luncheon, Game Nights, holiday celebrations, fundraisers etc. The sky is the limit. New ideas are needed. Amanda Martinez will be the committee chairwoman for the group. All are welcome to join, as well as to help out when you can. Please contact the office at 283-6211 and give your name to Debbie. She will forward your contact information to Amanda.

Hispanic Ministry
St Anthony’s Hispanic community celebrates many cultural traditions throughout the year. Additionally, there is a Hispanic choir at the 11 am. mass. Please contact the office or Becky Martinez for more information.

Homebound Ministry
If you or a loved one are unable to attend mass to receive the Eucharist, an English or Spanish speaking Eucharistic Minister is available to make visits to homes, Heritage Health, or Autumn Fields.  Please contact the parish office to request a home visit. 

Individuals or a family member may request the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.  Individuals with a serious illness or injury, preparing for surgery, or preparing for the final journey from this life may receive Anointing of the Sick. Please contact Father Ignatius at the Rectory. 217-283-6249

Funeral Ministry
Funeral meals are provided upon request for after the funeral mass or burial of a loved one. The meal is provided at the church hall. It is a hot meal with sides provided at no cost. However, a good-will offering is greatly appreciated. This gives the family time to celebrate their loved one’s life with family and friends. Rosie Diaz is the coordinator for funeral meals.

For assistance with funeral preparation and/or funeral meals, please contact the parish office for further information.

St. Vincent de Paul Society
The work of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is the Gospel message in action…
… I was hungry … I was thirsty … … I was a stranger … I was naked …
… I was sick … I was in prison …
… and you cared

Membership in the Society is open to all. If you are interested in joining us, or in learning more about the Society, please contact Maggie Cope or the parish office. 

If you know someone, perhaps a friend or a neighbor, who is in need of help, let us know. Your name will not be used, but we will arrange for a visit with them to learn how we might be of assistance.

To make financial contributions to this work, please make checks payable to the Society of St. Vincent De Paul.

Eucharistic Ministers

Assist the priest in distributing the Eucharist during mass as well as for homebound parishioners. Some training is required. Call the office for further information.

Altar Servers
A server will have an excellent opportunity to learn skills, efficiency, discipline, punctuality, responsibility and have fun all while assisting our priest with Mass duties! Servers will develop companionship among others, learn the value of teamwork, and become role models to younger children in the community. The fact is, there’s nothing more satisfying for a soul than to serve without expecting anything in return. Our joy grows even greater when it’s a matter of serving God himself at the altar, as do the angels in heaven! Training sessions will begin in the fall of 2023. Children 3rd grade and older, following their first communion and adults are welcome! Please contact the parish office for more information on training and scheduling. 

Mrs. Kathy Vines is the choir director. Rehearsals are Monday evening. Music is provided for mass on Saturday at 5 pm and Sunday at 9 am. New members are always welcome. Hispanic Mass music director is Becky Martinez. Please contact the parish office for further information.

The Lord God has given me a well-trained tongue, that I might know how to speak to the weary a word that will rouse them. -Isaiah 50:4

When you answer the call to read the sacred scripture, you enter into a deeper relationship with God.  It is your duty and privilege to bring the printed word to life during the mass.  

At St. Anthony’s, lectors come forward three times. Lectors read the announcements before mass; proclaim the word in the two scriptures before the Gospel; lead the Prayers of the Faithful. Lectors rotate throughout the years.

Please pray about joining this very important ministry and contact the office if you are interested. No special training required but support is given!

Catholic Heart Youth Ministry- For over 23 years, youth from St Anthony’s and surrounding area, have participated in the national Catholic Heart Ministry program. Students in the group spend one week in the summer helping impoverished and needy communities throughout the nation. Our youth typically go to an area in the south and southeast but have been as far as the west coast. Students conduct fundraisers throughout the year to raise funds for travel and costs associated with the ministry. Some past fundraisers include the Taco Booth at the National Sweetcorn Festival and an authentic Mardi Gras celebration at the parish hall. Bill Goodwine was the sponsor for the group for many years. Currently, Eric and Angela Layden, and Danny and Linda Lugo are the group’s sponsors. This is a work group that involves service and commitment by both the student and their guardian. For further information about this ministry, please contact Eric Layden at