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August 10-11 Announcements

St. Anthony’s Announcements

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

August 10-11,  2024

Good evening/ Good morning. Thank you for joining us today for this Eucharistic celebration.

  • We’d especially like to welcome new parishioners, visitors and guests.  If you regularly attend Mass at St. Anthony’s and would like to become a registered member of the church, please complete a registration form found in the rack in the back of church.

  • Today we celebrate the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time.   The readings begin on p.192. 

  • Please pray for all St. Anthony’s friends and family members who are ill or deceased. This week we especially want to pray for John and Judy Sheridan, Pat and Jerry Northam and George Pracz. 

  •  Schools start on Thursday, August 15.  Please keep in your prayers students, parents, teachers and administrators as they begin a new school year.

  • CCD and adult religious ed classes will start on Wednesday, September 18 with an opening mass followed by a meal.  Registration for students in K-8 will be held following masses on September 14 and 15.   

  • The Rite of Initiation (RCIA) classes for adult candidates will be offered this fall.  If you or someone you know are interested in participating in these classes, please contact Debbie in the office.

  • A special thanks to the Parish Council and Finance Committee for their vision in completing projects this summer!  In addition to the recent resurfacing of the parking lot and updating of our air conditioning system in the church, the replacement of the parish hall roof was completed this week. Your service is very much appreciated!

  • Dan Silver’s  grandchildren would like to invite you to the Legion on Saturday, August 17 between 1 and 4 PM to honor their grandpa on his 90th birthday.  Please join them to celebrate Dan Silver’s special day.

  • Following Masses, St. Vincent de Paul will have their loose change collection. Thank you for your generosity.

August 4

Donut Sunday

August 16

August 17-18 Announcements