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September 28-29 Announcements

St. Anthony’s Announcements
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 28-29, 2024

Good evening/ Good morning. Thank you for joining us today for this Eucharistic celebration.

  •  Today we celebrate the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time.   The readings begin on p.210.

  • Please pray for all St. Anthony’s friends and family members who are ill or deceased. This week we especially want to pray for Pat and Jerry Northam, Loretta Alt, Jim Benjamin, and Glenna Diskin.

  • Due to the hospitalization of Debbie’s husband, Jim, Debbie may not be in the office at her regularly scheduled time. If you need assistance, please call Father Ignatius at the rectory. 

  • A new booklet,Mass for Children, can be found in many of the pews.  Please encourage and assist your children in using them and participating in prayers.  Please do not remove them from

  • Volunteers are needed for Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors and Ushers. Training will be provided.  If you are interested, please contact Debbie in the office.

  •  Join us this fall for OCIA, the Order of Christian Initiation, formerly referred to as RCIA beginning on Sunday, September 29 from 6-7PM In the parish hall. 

  •  If you did not receive an ADA envelope in the mail, envelopes can be found in the back of the church.. Thank you for your generosity.

  • K-8 Faith Formation Classes and Adult classes meet from 5-6PM on Wednesday, October 2.  

September 20

September 21-22 Announcements

September 29

Youth Group Service and Picnic