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October 5-6 Announcements

 Today we celebrate the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time.   The readings begin on p.212.

  • Please pray for all St. Anthony’s friends and family members who are ill or deceased. This week we especially want to pray for Pat and Jerry Northam, Loretta Alt, Jim Benjamin, and Glenna Diskin.

  • Due to the hospitalization of Debbie’s husband, Jim, Debbie may not be in the office at her regularly scheduled time. If you need immediate assistance, please call Father Ignatius at the rectory or leave a message at the hall. Messages are being picked up regularly and someone will contact you.

  • Father Ignatious will be on a retreat beginning October 6-10.  There will be no daily mass Tuesday- Thursday. And no adoration on Thursday.

  • Mark your calendars for October 19 from 9AM-3 PM!  Don’t miss St. Anthony’s Vendor and Craft fair to shop for gifts for Christmas and more!  Walking tacos will be sold too!  

    Vendors can still sign up by contacting Jeannette Andre.  

  • A new booklet, “Mass for Children”, can be found in many of the pews.  Please encourage and assist your children in using them and participating in prayers.  Please do not remove them from church.

  •  Join us this fall for OCIA, the Order of Christian Initiation, (formerly referred to as RCIA). — Classes will be Wednesday evenings at 6:00 PM.

  • If you have not yet  made a pledge or payment to ADA, please do so as soon as possible.If you did not receive an ADA envelope in the mail, envelopes can be found in the back of the church. Thank you for your generosity.

  • St. Anthony’s will be participating in Downtown Hoopeston’s Spooktacular on Monday, October 28.    If you would like to donate a bag of candy or salty treats, please put them in the back of the church in the next few weeks.  Volunteers will be needed at our booth.

  • October is the month of the Rosary.  All parishioners and families are invited to participate in a living rosary on Wednesday at 5PM in the parish hall.  We need 58 people to participate to represent each of the beads of the rosary.

  • Donuts and coffee will be served by the youth group following the 9AM mass.

September 29

Youth Group Service and Picnic

October 6

Donut Sunday