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September 7-8 Announcements

St. Anthony’s Announcements 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 7-8, 2024

Good evening/ Good morning. Thank you for joining us today for this Eucharistic celebration.

  •  Today we celebrate the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time.   The readings begin on p.204.

  • Please pray for all St. Anthony’s friends and family members who are ill or deceased. This week we especially want to pray for Pat and Jerry Northam, Becky Martinez and Loretta Alt.

  • The Special Events committee is planning a vendor/craft fair for October 19th from 9am - 3PM.  The committee is looking for vendors and crafters. There will be a $30 fee for a 10x10 booth space.  If you are interested in participating, please contact Debbie in the office or Jeanette Andre.  The committee welcomes new members. If you are interested in joining this very important committee, please contact Amanda Martinez for more information.

  • Volunteers are needed for Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors and Ushers. Training will be provided.  If you are interested, please contact Debbie in the office.

  •  CCD and adult religious ed classes will start on Wednesday, September 18 with an opening mass for families followed by a meal.  Registration for students in K-8 will be held following masses on September 14 and 15.   

  • The high school youth group will meet on Sunday, September 15 from 5-7PM in the Parish Hall.  Please bring a snack or appetizer to share.  

  • Have you ever thought about learning more about the traditions and teachings of the Catholic Church? Have you thought about joining the Catholic Church? Are you an adult Catholic that hasn’t been confirmed? Join us this fall for OCIA, the Order of Christian Initiation, formerly referred to as RCIA.  If you're interested,  please contact Debbie in the office.

  • Today  we will view a video from Bishop Tylka about Annual Diocesan Appeal.  Envelopes for your ADA contribution can be found in the pews.

  •  The next donut Sunday will be September 15 following 9 am Mass.

August 30

September 1 Announcements

September 13

September 14 - 15 Announcements