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Weekly Announcements

  • The collection for the Retired Religious will be the weekend of Dec. 21 & 22..

  • There have been several donations for the new albs. A big Thank You to those who have donated. It is not too late to donate. Just put in an envelope and drop in the offering basket. You will be seeing the new albs soon.

  • Christmas Eve Mass lector is Lisa Lukas, usher is Tom Kasallis, servers will be Theresa, Kassidy, Thomas & Elias and Eucharistic ministers are Tom and Lisa.

  • Christmas Day Mass lector is Charlotte Smith, usher is Brandon Smith. Addison & Caleb & Theresa will be servers and Eucharistic ministers will be Debbie and Linda West.

  • Mass Intention requests are needed. Please consider offering a Mass for loved ones, both living and deceased. There is no better way to honor those you love, than to offer a Mass for their intentions.

  • Thank you to all who attended and supported the Christmas party. It was a great time with much food, games, fun and fellowship with over 60 people attending.

  • A big Thank you to the Dowell and Steiner Family for the donation of the big gift basket that was won by Martha Zamarippa.

  • The projector donated by Amanda was won by Lupe Reyes.

  • The delicious food was donated by many parishioners. There were many raffle prizes.

December 17

Candlelight Holy Hour

December 22

Youth Group - Decorate Church for Christmas (Church)