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Weekly Announcements June 1 - 2

St. Anthony’s Announcements

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ or Corpus Christi Sunday

June 1-2, 2024

Thank you for joining us today for this Eucharistic celebration.

We’d especially like to welcome new parishioners, visitors and guests.  

  •  Today we celebrate The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.   The readings begin on p. 171. 

 (Sunday)  There will be a short Eucharistic procession around the parking lot. If you are unable to walk the procession,  chairs will be available behind the church.  Donuts and coffee will be served following the procession.

  • Thank you to the special events committee and to all who helped with the  Rummage Sale. With a lot of helping hands the sale was a success.

  • Please pray for all St. Anthony’s friends and family members who are ill or deceased, and for all who are listed in today’s bulletin. This week we especially want to pray for the repose of the soul of Jerry Northam’s brother, Bernie Northam who passed away in Arizona on Tuesday.  Please keep Bernie and his family in your prayers.

  • Also continue to pray for Mike Andre and John Sheridan.

  • On Saturday, June 15 ten St. Anthony’s youth and  friends, along with their  chaperones, will be traveling to  Richmond, Virginia for a week-long Catholic Heart Workcamp. Please pray that they have a safe trip and as disciples of St. Anthony’s they are guided by the Holy Spirit throughout the week.  

  • On Sunday, June 23, St. Anthony’s will have our church picnic at McFerran Park.  Watch the bulletin for more information.

May 31

Special Events Rummage Sale

June 2

Donut Sunday