Our little Nativity in the front of our church has been telling the story of Jesus’s birth one event at a time. The nativity changes as the Christmas month progresses. Earlier in the week, only Joseph and Mary were there, alone in the stable. Since Christmas, there has been much activity, Jesus was born and placed in the manger, and shepherds arrived, the first to visit the newborn baby. Watching over everything is our angel. The Magi Begin Their Journey from the East Its a long journey. They are navigating by following a star. Along their way, they visit King Herod to inquire about the newborn King of the Jews. "The Adoration of the Magi" Leaving Jerusalem, the Magi continue to follow the star all the way to Bethlehem where they find Jesus with Mary and Joseph. The Magi kneel in worship and present gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.