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June 15 - 16 Announcements

St. Anthony’s Announcements

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

June 15-16 , 2024

Good evening/ Good morning and Happy Father’s Day to all fathers and father figures. Thank you for joining us today for this Eucharistic celebration.

We’d especially like to welcome new parishioners, visitors and guests.  

  •  Today we celebrate the Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.   The readings begin on p. 177. 

  • Please pray for all St. Anthony’s friends and family members who are ill or deceased. This week we especially want to pray for John Sheridan, Jerry Northam and Jeanne Shore.

  • St. Anthony’s youth and  friends, along with their chaperones, left for Richmond, Virginia Saturday morning for a week-long Catholic Heart Workcamp. Please keep them in your prayers this week.

  • St. Anthony’s Family Picnic has been rescheduled for Sunday, July 21. Please mark your calendars.

  • Mass intentions are needed for weekday Masses.  Please consider having a weekday Mass for a loved one.

  • St. Anthony’s assists with Meals on Wheels on Wednesday mornings once every 6 weeks. If you would be willing to help deliver meals periodically, please contact Debbie in the office or Linda Sheppard.

  • The National Eucharistic Congress will be held July 17-21.  For information on attending the conference, go to

June 7

June 8 - 9 Announcements

June 21

June 22-23 Announcements