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June 22-23 Announcements

Catholic Family Night out with the Danville Dans will be Monday June 24 at 6:30. Please wear Black & White and come say goodbye to Fr. Loftus. Tickets are available at the gate for $5.00. Please identify which parish you are from( St. Anthony, Holy Family, St. Paul, St. Mary or St. Isaac Jogues). Adoration on Thursday June 27, will end at noon .

There will be a blood donation at St. Mary’s on Sunday, June 23 from 9 am to 1 pm. Walk-ins accepted. Summertime is always the busiest time and has the greatest need for blood.

The Peter’s Pence collection will be the weekend of June 22/23 and June 29/30. Thank you to all who donate. If you have been considering having some mass intentions said for your loved ones please contact the office. We are low for Weekday mass intentions.

The Special Events committee has several projects planned for the remainder of the year including a Christmas Bazaar in November. Vendors may call the office to sign up.

The parish picnic will be July 21 at McFerren Park starting at noon with good food and lots of games for all.

Please consider helping with Meals on Wheels. It is once every 6 weeks on a Wednesday. Contact Debbie or Linda.

The next Rosary & Coffee will be July 16 at 9:30 am at Jeanette Andre’s home located at 725 Trego, Hoopeston. All women of the parish are welcome.

June 14

June 15 - 16 Announcements

June 28

June 29-30th Announcements